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Personal Data Protection Law



Information and Clarification Text on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data


İNKAŞ CONSTRUCTION SAN. and TRADE. Inc. As (“Data Controller” or “Company”), we show utmost sensitivity and care regarding the security of your personal data and attach importance to the issue. For this reason, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), we would like to thank all our customers, suppliers and especially İNKAŞ İNŞAAT SAN. who benefit from the goods and services offered by our Company. and TRADE. Inc. On this page, we share with you all the details regarding the personal data of our visitors to our workplaces, including our commercial enterprise NOVVA HOTELS, and processed by us.  

Methods of Collection of Personal Data and Purposes of Processing


When our customers make a request to purchase goods and services, an identity document can be sent electronically (via software or e-mail) or physically (mail-order, form, etc.) depending on the method of reaching our Company. / your financial information such as your passport and contact information, bank account, IBAN, credit card number and transaction information regarding the nature, date of execution, payment method and price of the goods or services you request, so that we can carry out the relevant legal transaction, carry out our accounting records and collection processes, product and It is processed for the purposes of analyzing and improving our services, determining customer satisfaction and fulfilling our legal obligations. Again, if you want to use the car parks in our workplaces, your license plate is processed by us to distinguish your vehicle from foreign vehicles.


On the other hand, the entry and exit dates of our customers, suppliers, their personnel and visitors to our workplaces, Internet logs if you use the Internet infrastructure offered in our facilities, and camera images collected through security cameras in common areas are also collected for the purposes of ensuring the security of our workplaces and for our Company to fulfill its legal obligations. . On the other hand, the identity/passport information of our customers staying in companies affiliated with MK Group is also processed in order to be transferred to the Identity Notification System (KBS) within the General Directorate of Security.


The identity and contact information and some financial information of our real person suppliers and their personnel who have commercial relations with our Company are protected in electronic and physical environments in order to maintain such business relations and fulfill our financial and legal obligations.

To whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred


Your personal data collected by our company; For the purposes of ensuring financial and administrative coordination with the companies included in the MK Group ("Group Companies") and the coordinated execution of workplace safety processes and - if you have your approval - to inform you about the products and services offered by the Group Companies, as well as to comply with our Company's legal obligations. To Group Companies, authorized public institutions, professional organizations, courts, mediators, arbitration arbitrators and commissions, or lawyers, financial advisors and customs advisors and other consultants of our Company and Group Companies, for the purposes of fulfilling or protecting or establishing legal rights, KVKK It can be transferred within the framework of the principles of proportionality and commitment to purpose in .

Personal Data Owner's Rights Listed in Article 11 of KVKK

As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to our Company in accordance with the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller, the request will be finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, our Company will charge the fee at the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. In this context, personal data owners;  


Learning whether personal data is processed or not,


Requesting information if personal data has been processed,


Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,


Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,


Requesting correction of personal data in case personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,


Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring processing no longer exist, even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,


Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the individual by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,


In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, they have the right to request compensation for the damage.


For any questions and information requests regarding your personal data, you can contact MEKVİN HOTELS data security officials as follows.

To exercise your rights stated above;

adresinde yer alan “KVKK Başvuru Formu” linkine tıklayarak indirebileceğiniz formu doldurarak formun imzalı bir nüshasını ANTALYA adresine kimliğinizi tespit edici belgeleri de ilave ederek ile bizzat elden veya noter kanalıyla iletebilir yahut ilgili formu elektronik olarak adresine KEP kullanarak veya adresimize güvenli elektronik imza kullanarak iletebilirsiniz.

Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Esas ve Usulleri Hakkında Tebliğ uyarınca başvurunuzun Türkçe olması ve başvuruda:

a) Ad, soyad ve başvuru yazılı ise imza,
b) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşları için T.C. kimlik numarası, yabancılar için uyruğu, pasaport numarası veya varsa kimlik numarası,
c) Tebligata esas yerleşim yeri veya iş yeri adresi,
ç) Varsa bildirime esas elektronik posta adresi, telefon ve faks numarası,
d) Talep konusu,

bulunması, konuya ilişkin bilgi ve belgelerin başvuruya eklenmesi zorunludur.

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